vol.1 Jan.-Feb.2016
CONSULAR OFFICE OF JAPAN IN CEBU Counsellor & Director Appointed as Counsellor and Director of the Cebu Consular Office in March 2015
Shigeyuki HIRAKAWA

To advance the good relationship between Cebu and Japan
A happy new year. We wish everyone another wonderful year. We will do our utmost to continue serving you at the Cebu Consular Office.
We would also like to congratulate the information magazine "CEBU-navi SAKURA" on printing their first issue.
We expect this magazine will provide meaningful, informative content to tourists, international students, and Japanese residents of Cebu. -
A positive attitude towards Japan
Many people in Cebu view Japan favorably. People in business and government know Japan well, and you could even say that the general public harbors friendly feelings towards the Japanese people. Cebu may therefore be quite a comfortable place for us Japanese to be. Cebu is also a place where many people will turn in lost items. As in any country, people feel glad when they can make someone happy. The fact that Japanese people are liked, however, does not mean that it is necessarily always safe. This is of course not just true for Cebu, but for the whole world.
In such a Japan-friendly town, with its southern atmosphere, some people's 'safety sensor' will slip into standby mode. Unfortunately, this leads to many cases of Japanese people becoming victims of crime. Japanese people are not suspicious of others and have trouble saying 'no'. Be cautious when a local you don't know addresses you, or when you try something new; you never know what risks may be involved. Don't hesitate to contact us at the Consular Office when something happens. -
Expanding relations with Japan
There are currently almost 190 Japanese companies in Cebu, mostly in manufacturing, employing tens of thousands of people. In the town of Balamban, on Cebu Island, a Japanese shipbuilding company employs tens of thousands of people, as well. For Cebu, Japan is definitely not a minor presence. Surely, the fact that many of these Japanese companies display a certain 'Japanese-ness' contributes to the positive attitude the people of Cebu have towards Japan.
As Japan keeps playing a role in Cebu's development, it is important not to push Japan on the people of Cebu, but to ask them: 'What do you want to do?'. We can propose solutions to problems, but it is up to them to decide. We are very pleased that many Cebuano people rely on Japan, and we hope in earnest that the relationship between Japan and Cebu continues to be as strong as it is.