とっても簡単! 使い方いろいろ!お得がいっぱいのサクラクーポン
Really easy!They can be used in many ways! SAKURA coupons loaded with great deals
『CEBU navi SAKURA』についているお得なクーポンは読者のお好みの方法で利用できます。
The free magazine CEBU navi SAKURA, loaded with fresh and fun information, comes with many great coupons that readers can use in any way they like.
The coupons on the edge of the page can be used within the specified period. Just cut them out or copy and hand them to a staff member. You can also take a picture of one of the coupons with your smartphone and show it to the staff on your smartphone screen. The coupons are also available in the Web Edition. Both the magazine itself and the Web Edition are available free of charge.

How to use the coupons from the magazineクーポンを切り取ってお店に持参。コピーでもOK!
Cut them out and bring them to the store or restaurant.Copied coupons are fine, too!
You can also take a picture with your smartphone and show it to the staff on your smartphone screen.
2.Web版のCEBU navi SAKURAを使う
How to use the coupons from the Web EditionスマホでWebサイトのクーポンページをお店で提示。PC画面の出力やスクリーンショットもOK。
Show the coupon page of the Web Edition to the staff on your smartphone screen.
You can also use a printout or screenshot of your computer screen.Web版 CEBU navi SAKURA へのアクセスはこちら
Access the Web Edition of Cebu navi SAKURA here: